Monday, October 4, 2010

Intangible Symbol

Many symbols are used today to represent sound as music is such a big part of the world. Technology has developed resulting in the creation of mp3 players, ipods, stereos etc.

As musical technology has substantially grown it has created a world wide recognition among symbols associated with music and stereo systems such as fast forward, stop, pause, rewind etc.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sound Symbol

This is my sound symbol. I wanted to show a sound like an echo and therefore i came up with this concept. I have used these rounded shapes to represent the sound spreading across space or echoing through space.
I used this rounded shape to show a soft sound where as if the sound was harsh or loud i would use a pointed shape to represent the sound.

Pixel Portraits

These are my pixel portraits. I found them extremely challenging at first, however after i while i got the hang of it and found this topic quite fun!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Green Lungs Poster

This is my Green Space poster. I wanted to keep it quite simple and use colours that were associated with this topic such as various shades of green. I also used words such as 'save' to give off an emotive feel to show people that we need their help.
I didn't put too much information on the poster as i didn't want to crowd the page, and therefore make it more interesting for people to engage with and not through lots of information at them - as this can be quite intimidating and therefore put people of reading it.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


The term rebus refers to the use of a pictogram to represent a syllabic sound. This adapts pictograms into phonograms. A precursor to the development of the alphabet, this process represents one of the most important developments of writing.

Green Lungs

This is our final Green Lungs Logo, as we feel it captures the lack of green space showing the grey sections as buildings and the green section as the green space. We wanted to give this symbol an organic feel which has been achieved with the rounded edges. The green colour is also very bright, demonstrating that the environment can brighten your life and create better health.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Road Signs

I found this exercise quite challenging, as it is extremely hard to show something with just a symbol - that everyone can recognise.

I choose to use a traffic light to symbolise the red light district. It is a very simple idea, however isn't straight to the point and therefore people may be confused as to what it means.

For the soccer pitch, i simply created a soccer goal and a ball. I think this symbol would work quite well.

For the low gravity area, i showed lots of people floating! - Not sure how well it would work...

I choose to draw some low flying birds - to be very literal with this symbol.

For the fun run, i drew someone running in a 'fun' way!

I think my cinema symbol is the best one. It's a world recognised and clearly demonstrates a cinema.

For the fashion shop i drew a simple dress - it's not completely obvious but it does get the point across.

For wet paint i showed a tear drop to represent that it's wet and a paint brush to show paint. I think symbol is also quite successful as it's simple and easy to understand.

And finally for the big surf symbol i created some large waves. Again this symbol is very simple and however i'm not sure the meaning is completely clear.